Linking is a Must For Search Engine Popularity
Linking is a huge part of building your website popularity. It is a necessary part of bringing visitors to your web pages. When you add a link somewhere the search engine spiders will detect it sooner or later and give your website more credibility and over time you will climb the ladder to success. So if you link to a weaker site the link will be not as strong as you want it.
What makes your website popular to the search engines is the strength of your content to the public, combined with the websites that are linking in to your site. If the links are from highly ranked websites you are on your way. So this will be your goal as you begin linking with other sites. We must apologize. Solo Build It! Uses a link exchange program where we place our website concept and the computer finds all of the other websites who use this program whose owners want to exchange links. Unfortunately we are not familiar with the other link exchange programs on line and cannot recommend any to you. One word of advice. The main search engines continually explore ways to downgrade links originating from link farms. These are websites that do nothing but list links and those links are totally useless. This is called a link farm. Do not confuse the link farm with a web directory as that is another thing all together. When we link with another website we want to be assured that the website is compatible with our content. We would not want a link from a site that sold motorcycles for instance. But we would certainly accept on from a website on mountaineering or outdoor sites. We have links from travel destinations from all over the world. Other than link exchange programs, where do you find quality links? Another way to find blogs is to go to google and to enter this: (keyword) inanchor:blog If your website is about fishing you change it to: Fishing inanchor:blog Try different keywords and you will find plenty of blogs for linking programs. Because of the nature of the beast, computers do not always do what they are supposed to do. We can count on things going wrong from time to time. Especially when it comes to linking. You link to a blog or website and as sure as the sun will rise, the link will go bad eventually. Our website comprises over 300 pages and thousands of links. If we had to select one tool that Solo Build It! provides it would be the Broken Link Notice. Can you imagine searching for one link on our site!! When a link breaks, we receive an email showing which link is broken and on which page the link sits. Linking to other good sites is a must. Add a link to a highly ranked site and it should help you for years to come. Irma and I wrote a page we call Solo Build It! Review. We hope you will enjoy it.