Build a Website. The Hard Way… or Site Build It
Build a website. Oh it sounds so easy. But are you ready for it?
We set out to try to build a site about 5 times over the years. Each time we became terribly frustrated with the many technical items we had to deal with that we quit. A few months later we would try again. As previously we tossed in the towel. We just could not understand what we were supposed to do.
My roots are Scottish and Irma is French. We do not part with the dollar easily or quickly. We saved the page to our favorites and moved on. I couldn’t get SBI out of my mind and checked out the most popular websites looking for other ideas. I found that SBI had won many website design awards. Irma and I checked their site again. Over the next week we must have read everything SBI published, especially the money back guarantee info. Finally we decided to buy. One of the features about Solo Build It that we really liked when we first read about them is that they dare to compare their site with all of the competition out on the web. Please take a moment to take a look. Irma elected me to be the builder because I at least knew how to send emails and browse the web. I was overwhelmed to say the least. So much information to be read. One thing led to another and another. At least I could understand most of what they were telling me. I would read how to do something and then try to explain it to Irma. Poor her. If it was tough for me to understand it was tougher for her to be bored to death listening to me telling her how to build a website. Every single item had a corresponding answer. If I didn’t understand I then went to the forums where I could search for answers or place questions. I was amazed with the support available. https://www.whistler-outdoors.com/ is the result we were looking for. We believe it is informative and attractive and we make some dollars from advertising as well. Yes, SBI shows us how to monetize our site too. I was asked by one of our visitors for advice. They were trying to figure out how to build a website using Wordpress. It is a free webpage site and looks nice. That is at first look. You pay for a domain name and a hosting service costs $6.95 per month or the deluxe service up-grade etc. Their site, well there are three you must deal with, Studiopress, wordpress and codex, is very complicated with extremely poor tutorials. I spent two hours trying to understand it before I gave up. What my scotch blood likes about SBI is that everything, domain name registration, hosting and a stack of tools are all included. We deal only with SBI. The Action Guide presents a step-by-step process to build a website, presented in both written and video formats. All you have to do is follow it. Really! The most successful Solo Build It owners say "all they did was follow the Guide." They don't get sidetracked, or have to guess at what to do next. SBI!'s guided approach helps you reach your goals. Here is what two of the many thousands who use SBI have to say. "It's been over a year now since I started my first website, which ranks within the top 1% of sites on the net and receives up to 1500 visitors per day. I now have a second site, and plans for a third before the summer of this year. I no longer work from home in the evenings and my income is constantly growing. Right now, it's double what I was making when I was standing behind a chair." "Tamar and I did lots and lots of research on kid birthday parties and started experimenting with our ideas on kids and during parties whenever the opportunity arose. We wrote up lots of content for the site and I was in charge of strategy and building the site from a technical aspect (although, with Solo Build It!, you really don't need any technical knowledge because you can build a site through simple building blocks and monitor every aspect of traffic through a consolidated control center.). In no time, both of us became kid birthday junkies." There is no doubt that it took a real genius to come up with the idea for SBI. The number one thing that people have trouble with is writing. They may have the urge but do not know where to start. They may take a free online writing course thinking that will help. We had a friend who watched the soaps a lot. She thought writing soap notes would help. You do not need a technical writing certificate unless you intend to do a technical writing article on some gadget. Writing a webpage is different than writing cursive in that you are not practicing hand writing, you are writing a story.You will be well advised to enroll in some online creative writing courses as these will help to get you started. When we are not building our website you can probably find us roaming the Whistler mountains wearing our Patagonia Clothing. If you look for a website design company online you may want to know how to build your own website. You may want to build a small business website or a simply a personal web page. Before you go any further you might want to check out what these thousands of successful website owners have to say about Why they love SBI. I remember when I started I did not have a clue. I did not know what a home page was or what was meant by a domain name search. I simply wanted to make money from home online. business website hosting Return from Build a Website to Whistler Outdoors